
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

2017 10 24-25 Santa Fe, New Mexico Days 1 and 2

Day 1 10 24 Museum Hill and Audubon

Taking the dogs for a morning walk and couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a picture with this old pay phone.  Hello, can you hear me now? And look, the handset is still connected to the base. Now that is truly amazing.

My imitation of the bear.

Tori couldn't care less as long as Bob doesn't go too far away, but Dakota was keeping an eye on this bear. 

Carol with her brother, Bob and his wife, Karen. Several museums are located on the same hill along with the Botanical Gardens. As we reached the top of the hill, we were greeted with various sculptures in the outdoor gardens. This one caught my eye as soon as I saw it. A hawk or eagle soaring over various Native American children.  

This masked warrior stands outside the Native American Art and Culture Center. Very ferocious looking. We were not allowed to take any photos inside the Center but each of us found a lot of very interesting artifacts and information. I found a room full of decorated clothing and shoes and many had porcupine quill decorations and beadwork. We joined a tour with a marvelous docent who had such a vast amount of knowledge about the Native American tribes in this region that we were all disappointed when she had to end the tour. Besides all of the local history, we found out that she was a librarian at the Los Alamos Laboratory and had worked there for many years. Well, Karen had a classmate in High School whose husband worked at the Laboratory. When she told the docent his name, she knew who he was and that the couple still lived in town. After a little detective work (Googling their names) it was discovered that the husband has been on the town council and has a Facebook page for it. Karen sent him a message to see if we could meet them for lunch tomorrow.
Bob and Karen came to our "home" for a tour. It also gave us a chance to feed the dogs and grab a late lunch. 

After lunch, we drove over the the Randall Davey Audubon Center for a short hike and a little bird watching. Above is a Scrub Jay.We didn't see much wildlife during our walk but when we arrived back at the Visitor's Center and strolled through the gardens there were plenty of birds.

Another beautiful day. Cool temps with full, bright sunshine. 

Valley view on the hike.
Getting a little cooler as we went up in elevation. Glad I had my shawl and Karen had packed a jacket. 

Another new addition to our Life-List, a spotted Towhee. Reminded us of a big robin from the front but from the rear with it white bars on the wings and back. 

Karen tells a story about not getting a "I got home" call from her daughter, Rebecca. I know how she feels. At least I never had to call the police.
A western chipmunk. Look a the size of his ears. So cute. Caught sight of him while he was sitting on the drainage spout of an adobe building just outside the flower garden.

Another check on our Life-List. Steller's Jay, southern Rockies subspecies. So beautiful, such a startling blue with a crest and white streak on the forehead and over the eye. 

A Gray-headed Junco waving to us as we watched several of them chasing each other around the bushes.

A better view

This vignette so reminded us Senior High School pictures. It was so stunning in the lighting as the sun was setting. 

Karen in another rustic doorway. There were several rain barrels behind her.

Caughron sibs. Awesome photo with the massive cottonwood trees on the left casting shadows on the upper floor of the building, long shadows running up the adobe walls, the weathered door, lintel and balcony. The animal pictures on the walls depict two tall creatures feeding on leaves in the trees. Finishing touches are the painted iron furniture. 

Inside one of the open doorways was this carved door with painted frogs. 

Close up of window shutter.

Our evening closed with a delicious meal at The Shed, a local Mexican restaurant. The wait was shorter than they estimated and well worth the wait. 

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