
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

2017 08 09 Lots of Driving.. then dinner in Davenport, Iowa at The Machine Shed

We did a lot of driving today. 
We left our hotel in Dublin, Ohio about 8:20 am ET and arrived in Davenport, Iowa about 6:20 pm CT.  There were miles and miles of mid-west farms. Since we usually drive during the spring or fall through Indiana and Illinois, we have not seen the seas of waving golden tassels atop the medium green corn stalks and dark green soybeans fields, over-arched by clear baby-blue skies with scattered puffy white clouds. Each farm seemed to be hundreds of acres with dirt lanes just wide enough for the farmer's pick-up. Very Norman Rockwellian and peaceful. Nothing of interest to report until dinner. 

This was a fun place to have dinner.
It was right across the street from our hotel.
The theme was country charm and farmyard humor.

I had a pint of Farmer Brown Ale.
Brewed locally in Davenport.
Nice Can. Is that "Farmer Brown"?

Carol had a Moscato Strawberry Lemonade.
I think it was at least two pints. 

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