
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

2017 07 18 Tue - Travel to Sioux Falls, SD

I woke up around 5:30 am this morning to get an early start.  I reviewed my plans for the day and headed down to breakfast just past 6 am.  Not much to choose from a sweet roll and banana.
I headed out to get gas before I got on the highway. When I stopped for gas I noticed a paddle wheel boat docked on the Mississippi so I took a few minutes to go see it.  It was pulling out, too cool.
Snapped a couple of pictures and hit the road.

I made one stop for brunch, since breakfast was pitiful and early, Then one more stop for gas at this cool rest stop before arriving in Sioux Falls.

My Airbnb is in down town Sioux Falls a really nice location.  Close to a lot of things. After I called several apartment services and made 3 appointments for Wednesday, I took a walk down to Falls Park and Bike trail to stretch my legs.  Snapped few pics too.

There are several bison statues around. 

Then back to the Airbnb.  I met my host Carrie, her friend Christopher and Carrie's parents on my walk back. Really nice people.

This is across the street from the Airbnb I am staying. 

This one is outside the Airbnb I am staying.
There is another statue in the distance.
There are many statues up and down this main street. 

Then I freshened up and went out to dinner at a local diner.

This is Phillips Avenue Diner where I had dinner
Meat loaf, Mashed potatoes "of course" and
a strawberry cheesecake shake.
$3 off on Tuesdays with my entree.
Pardon me while I slurp on my shake. 

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