Toadstools Hiking Trail, part of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Kanab, Utah - 7 Apr 2020
Hiking to The Toadstools. Not there yet. Family and dog friendly trail leads up to a wide, shallow canyon with rim walls striped in white, reddish brown and gold. |
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Cortez, Colorado - 11 April 2020
Area scenery and wildlife, Sleeping Ute Mountain and La Plata Mountains plus a current resident. |
A short drive from Lowry Pueblo is the Painted Hand Pueblo. While Lowry was on a vast flat plain, the Painted Hand Pueblo is perched on a cliff and barely seen from the trailhead. |
Arriving at Grand Junction, Colorado - 16 April 2020
Relaxing with some wine and snacks. |
But we certainly cannot complain about the expansive views. |
Rifle, Colorado - 18 Apr 2020
Craig Colorado - 20 April 2020
Day Trip west on Highway 40 and 318 - 20 April 2020
This cute interaction suddenly turned more hazardous with hooves flying and teeth bared. All hostilities were over and calm returned in seconds. |
Pintos, grays, blacks, palominos, red and blue roans, bays and sorrels can be seen. We were very fortunate to have arrive in spring to see several foals. So adorable. |
A new foal with mother and yearling sibling. |
This is one of the largest band we observed. The biggest was nine members. |
Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado - 22 April 2020
Here is the only wildlife (except for mallards and one wader), mule deer looking a little shaggy and thin from a long winter. |