
Sunday, March 10, 2019

2019 02 25 - 03 08 Gila Bend, Phoenix area and then...

Gila Bend, Arizona - 25 February 2019 through 8 March 2019

Our 5 week stay in Gila Bend placed us in one of the best run campgrounds we have found in our travels. A wonderfully helpful staff which included an Activities Director, Steve, who has daily and weekly events scheduled for those who just want to "hang out" in camp plus, for the more adventurous, trips to other areas around the Sonora Desert.  

For months the dogs have not seen, much less felt the cool softness of real grass under their paws except for one place in San Antonio which had artificial grass which Dakota would hardly even walk on. Dirt and gravel were de rigueur at all the others. Three separate corrals, two were mostly grass (watered every night to keep it lush and full). 

There was a lot of space in the campground to walk the dogs. But outside the fencing out the back of the campgrounds are wide open State Land Trust acres. There are tire tracks going in two directions. The first time we used these tracks it led a mile out directly towards the train tracks. Boring. The tracks to the right (above) which we walked several times for over three miles one way. The dogs were in heaven since we could leave them completely off leash as long as we watched them VERY closely. There are a lot of holes dug in the soil which can house some really dangerous things. Mostly rattlesnakes and scorpions which do not like to be disturbed. We were lucky not to encounter any of those holes inhabited. The owner did have to remove a rattler from the park during our stay. 

Practically every plant out here has at least one hole at its base and while spaniels are not as scent tuned as beagles, our girls are curious to the nth degree. All the different cacti present all different cautions; needles, hooks and those nasty little hairlike, impossible to see barbs that grab on and won't let go. Oh how they love soft, fluffy dog hair. 

Our home was right beside the pathway leading from the other site rows to the Recreation Center so we always had people passing by to and from the heated pool, laundry, patio and whatever was happening inside the Center. 

The tie-breaking game for the Gila Bend KOA World Championship Baseball Toss game took place on the patio between the two local teams. Loads of fun and trash talking going on.   

Scottish Highland Games, Phoenix, Arizona - Saturday, 2 March 2019

"RELEASE THE HOUNDS!" On our way to the Douglas tent we happened upon a large contingent of Irish Wolf Hounds. Always very calm and well behaved, they seemed to be everywhere. 
The beginning of the Parade of Clans with the Bagpipe and Drum Marching Band. 
We had located the Douglas tent and joined the rather sparse clan mates in the parade. Fortunately, some additional members arrived before we set foot on the parade grounds so we could all give a rousing salute of "A Douglas, A Douglas". Afterwards, we went looking for some fun, kilt socks and kilt pin.  

The ever popular Caber Toss. Varying in length from 16 to 22 feet this traditional athletic event always draws a crowd. He was successful. Look at the height. Other events included the hammer toss (a metal ball attached to a wooden handle), shot or stone put using natural stones, wheat sheaf (tossing a burlap bag of wheat over a bar using a pitchfork). 

It looks like she is tossing a potted palm but it's a weight attached to a ring. There is no spinning allowed to get it over the bar. Men also compete in the Weight over Bar event. Dozens of dancers competed for trophies. And the long legged Scotty amused some and frightened others as he made his way through the crowds.  

Goodyear Ballpark, Goodyear, Arizona - Monday, 4 March 2019

Spring Training Home of the Cincinnati Reds and Cleveland Indians, the intimate confines of Goodyear Park west of Phoenix was our first ever Spring Training game. 

The field is no more than 20 feet from the stands and the fans get a close-up view of their team. Before the game, many of the players will come over to sign autographs, have pictures taken and talk to the fans, especially the kids in attendance. Some former players also attend Spring Training games, like on this day Eric Davis, former center fielder, nicknamed Eric the Red. Clever. 

You have to be on your toes at these games once the action starts. The closeness of the field means that foul balls can get into the crowds in two seconds. Don't be distracted by the almost clear blue skies and warm temperatures. Keep your gloves handy and your eyes on the ball. 
Without the full compliment of its starting roster, the Reds fell on this day to the Chicago Cubs. Lack of solid pitching and a couple of misjudged fly balls was all it took to have the home fans heading for the exits in the 7th inning. We enjoyed our time at the game and even found a couple of our campground neighbors in our section. 

Gila Bend KOA, Gila Bend, Arizona - Friday, 8 March 2019

Late yesterday afternoon about two dozen bicycle riders arrived for an over night stay in the campgrounds. Pitching tents all over the playground area, cleaning and repairing their bikes and getting a few showers taken before dark. They arrived with their own catering service trucks and other vans for storage. Their signage said "Coast to Coast" so I presume they are on a very long bike ride. I heard they go between 50 and 80 miles per day depending on the road conditions. Across the country is about 3500 miles.  

Packing up and moving on. The clouds got here quickly. The elevation at Gila Bend was under 800 feet. A 3-1/2 hour drive to Williams, Arizona. The elevation at our new location was over 6,000 feet. Our gateway to the Grand Canyon National Park. 
The next blog will be all about our Grand Canyon adventures. Stay tuned. 

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