Rain Spirit RV Resort, Clarkdale, AZ
Rain Spirit RV Resort - 9 December 2020
Our home for the month. We love this spot as the entire valley behind us is a great view plus the Tuzigoot National Monument is to the right. We get some really good photos of the moon rising behind it and sunsets just light it up beautifully. |
Pizzeria Bocce, Clarkdale, Arizona - 10 December 2020
We were only there one day before Kristen arrived for a visit. We had not been able to see her for over a year and a half due to Covid. After driving back from Phoenix we chose dinner in Clarkdale to give us time to catch up. |
Bob and I spent our first day getting ready for Kristen's arrival by decorating for our early Christmas with her. Our stockings were hung by the fake fire on TV and strings of ornaments were dangling from the top of the slideouts. She came fully prepared with appropriate winter clothing. The puppies were glad to have a visitor. |
Antique Shopping in Clarkdale - 15 December 2020
Old Town Clarkdale is filled with artist shops and antiques. We took advantage of a warmer day to walk the two blocks and visit several local venders. We have always enjoyed antiquing with Kristen so Larry's was the place to go. And Bob bought a silver setting opal necklace and earring set for me for Christmas. |
Lots of artsy signage and decorative chilies. We had not seen chilies used for Christmas decorations until we got to New Mexico and Arizona. Partially dried the chilies decorate homes and stores all winter long. |
After a long day of walking and shopping we were hungry for a very late lunch. A large plate of loaded nachos sounded good to all of us (without the chilies please) to tide us over until dinner. |
Pink Jeep Tour in Sedona - 16 December 2020
Due to Covid restrictions, the Pink Jeep Tours were allowing only related people on a tour. We had the whole Jeep to ourselves. A chilly but sunny day so dress warm for the ride since there are no windows but layered for the walks. |
A beautiful backdrop of Sedona Red Rocks for the start of our tour. |
Pink Jeeping with one of my favorite people. |
There are so many areas where ancient peoples have left remnants of their living spaces. Instead of going on a rock climbing tour we all choose to explore this area south of Sedona. |
Ruins of the cliff dwellings of the Sinagua people who had multiple locations scattered around Arizona. |
Petroglyphs, the ancient art form of tapping a pointed stick or antler to flake off the outer rock and create a picture. Those who study the petroglyphs use today's Native American descendants of the Sinagua to interpret these designs. |
Geometric forms are a real puzzle. And interspersed with petroglyphs are a few pictographs, painted artwork, like the bottom, lower photo. |
I didn't do it. But over a hundred years ago it was very fashionable to go to ancient sites and deface the ruins with graffitti. Some is more modern but all of it is unsightly and diminishes the uniqueness of these sites. It's like spray painting the pyramids. |
Back at the RV - 16 December 2020
Holiday wear...she pulls out all the stops. It was so much fun to spend our faux Christmas with Kristen. We have missed her so much over these years of our travels. |
Jerome, Arizona - 17 December 2020
The old mining town of Jerome can also be seen from our campsite. It is south of Clarkdale and high up the hill towards the Daisy Mine. The town is listed as a ghost town but let me assure you there are plenty of full-time residents living and working here. So put on your walking shoes. Another day of shopping. Our first stop was at a glass-blower's studio off one of the main streets. Bob and I have been in Jerome before but never knew this guy was there. Kristen saw something that attracted her attention (shiny objects usually are the culprits). Entertaining and informative, he has been working that kiln for over 40 years. |
Lunch at Grapes. Soup and sandwiches hit the spot on a chilly day at the higher elevation. Frequently, Jerome will be blanketed with snow or fog while our campsite is much warmer. |
Window shopping at Nellie Bly II, a store devoted to kaleidoscopes. Big ones, small ones, wood ones, metal ones, then I see Kristen and Carol through a kaleidoscope lens. So cool. |
Night before Kristen heads home - 17 December 2020
Even the sunset was sad. |
Phoenix Airport goodbyes - 18 December 2020
I can't remember being so sad and wishing to hold on to my baby girl for as long as possible. We will see you again in the summer but that is so long away. |